Titiriguiri Theatre

Since the company's inception in 2008, we have been commited to making quality children's theatre and finding new and innovative ways to communicate with children from an early age.

After several outdoor productions, we started with Martin's Journey and There's a Rooster on your Roof, in which we combine theatre, animation, puppets, music and new technologies. This together with careful staging and a strong performance, form the basis of our shows.

We focus mainly on content which promotes values ​​education.

SONIA MUNOZ, puppeteer and passionate actress in children's theatre, established Titiriguiri with the aim of exploring new ways of communicatnig with the child's world, combining different creative formats to establish a language that enthralls children and adults alike.

None of this would be possible without a great team.

Francisco Piris of estudio Monigotes 2.0, professional animator and animation teacher at Francisco de Vitoria University.

Michael Fernández, audiovisual technician and programmer, responsible for bringing the show to life from the outside by blending the language of the image with the language of the theatre.

Jesus Mañeru, musician and composer in charge of creating the music that accompanies and envelops us.

Miguel Ángel Varela, responsible for providing background music and sound effects.

The company has toured the theatre network throughout the Autonomous Communities of Spain: Madrid, Castilla y Leon, Basque Country, Asturias, and has attended festivals and theatre fairs, FETEN, Eibar, Tolosa, Redondela, Ciudad Rodrigo, as well as performing in several school campaigns throughout the country.